When soap bubbles are part of our ordinary lives are observed carefully, you notice a very dramatic phenomenon. Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by this beautiful yet mysterious figure. Due to the interference of light, various colors such as red, green, blue, purple, and yellow appear. With time, the colors and patterns on the surface of the bubble change just like the clouds on the sky flow. Eventually, the bubble comes to look like an ultra-thin net or even falling snow. Shooting a picture of the bubble is a very persevering task, and in order to derive radiant colors and interesting patterns from the fragile and capricious bubbles, I experimented with various formulations of soapy water. I also had to be very careful with the lighting because the surface is smooth and reflects the surrounding scenery like a mirror. Subtle changes in the invisible thickness of the thin foam create striking and visible changes like this. It is as if bubbles visualize little and invisible transformation in the world around us. This is a photograph of a very small and fleeting world, but the resulting image is of connected planets in the enormous universe.

This works won first place in the science category for Professional at the Tokyo international Foto Awards (TIFA).
Tokyo international Foto Awards (TIFA) 科学部門でprofesional部門で一位を受賞した。
A Bubble 2022-
Color photograph on aluminum, 728x1030㎜

I won 3rd prize in the science section of IPA. INTERNATIONAL FOTO AWARDS.
I won silver prize in the science section of BIFA. BUDAPEST INTERNATIONAL FOTO AWARDS
Selected as "Official Selection" in One Shot-Color of IPA-INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS
BIFA- Budapest INTERNATIONAL FOTO AWARDSのサイエンス部門で銀賞をとりました
IPA-INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDSの One Shot-ColorでOfficial Selectionに選ばれました